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This mod is really good, but every time when I click on the WGP, the game is crashing. Can you help me pls?

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6 Jun 2016 Enstone the PS3 developer behind CCAPI (ControlConsole API) has usage about CCAPI and it's Console Manager Clients for PC and also now Game modding; Debug non-fself & fself in real time; Wireless Download:.

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CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and A few functions available: Game modding Debug non-fself & fself in real time called PC with a .exe, run it and follow the instructions to install it. 1 Sep 2019 Ccapi (console manager) uninstalls when you install new cfw so Added option to download some games; Added download and install to  Previously we reported on CCAPI v2.70 Rev 5, and today PlayStation 3 Download: CcApi_package_2.70_Rev6.rar / CcApi_package_2.70_Rev6_dev.rar 11 Nov 2013 Important: If some games refuse to work, just don't use plugins (delete plugins folder from Just download and run the ccapi pkg on your ps3. This can help you with errors such as signing in to PSN and loading games etc This video shows & helps people how to install CCAPI onto your PS3 & PC. El proceso de instalación de Control Console CCAPI se compone de tres sencillos pasos, uno en la PS3 y los otros dos en el PC, como veremos a continuación 

6 Jun 2016 Enstone the PS3 developer behind CCAPI (ControlConsole API) has usage about CCAPI and it's Console Manager Clients for PC and also now Game modding; Debug non-fself & fself in real time; Wireless Download:. 4 Mar 2018 Control Console API (CCAPI) v2.80 by Enstone ControlConsoleAPI for example can be debugged in rte, or any game with non debug eboot) (Console App for PC, PS3Lib v4.3 DLL, PKG to install CCAPI 2.80 on PS3). 9 Jan 2011 It's typically used for debugging and real time game modding. Note that A download for the PC software can be found on the [CCAPI Installer  Game modding Download the CCAPI package at the bottom of this page You have now CCAPI installed on your ps3 and on your pc. 7 Jul 2016 Uninstall 2.70 if you have it installed, and fresh install 2.60rev7 run CCAPI 2.60 on your PC and add your console - if it isnt already added, Unfortunately, most tools used on classic CoD's, some GTA tools and other games  30 Sep 2019 ControlConsoleAPI is an API for PS3 and PC similar to TMAPI on DEX console. It can debug non-fself, fself and kernel in real time. It features 

CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and A few functions available: Game modding Debug non-fself & fself in real time called PC with a .exe, run it and follow the instructions to install it.

Previously we reported on CCAPI v2.70 Rev 5, and today PlayStation 3 Download: CcApi_package_2.70_Rev6.rar / CcApi_package_2.70_Rev6_dev.rar 11 Nov 2013 Important: If some games refuse to work, just don't use plugins (delete plugins folder from Just download and run the ccapi pkg on your ps3. This can help you with errors such as signing in to PSN and loading games etc This video shows & helps people how to install CCAPI onto your PS3 & PC. El proceso de instalación de Control Console CCAPI se compone de tres sencillos pasos, uno en la PS3 y los otros dos en el PC, como veremos a continuación  21 Apr 2014 Important: If some games refuse to work, just don't use plugins (delete 3) Use the installer to install CCAPI 2.50 on your PC (you may need to  Injector for the PS3 version Injector for the PC version Download:!LTokjQDL Key: ! 15 apr 2018 Non si è fatta attendere questa volta, l'applicazione CCAPI (Control Console Abbonamento Games with Gold questo homebrew ci permette di collegare il PC alla PS3 attraverso il Target Download: CCAPI 2.80rev3.